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Ladies Fun Night League 2017
Twisted Sisters
Every Monday at 4:00 pm (Apr 24 to Oct 2)

The Twisted Sisters is a fun golf group
for ladies of all ages and levels on
Monday’s at 4pm at

Rideau Lakes Golf and Country Club.

  There is no membership required, the ladies come when they are able, pay the reduced twilight rate and enjoy golf with different ladies weekly. After golf, they stay for some social time and a prepared special meal, that changes weekly, in the club house if they wish. The Twisted Sisters is a perfect opportunity to learn how to golf, improve your golf, and meet new friends!

Everyone is welcome,
beginners to scratch golfers!
Ode to the Twisted Sisters
 (also known as Norm's Girls)

Every Monday when the clock strikes four
The Twisted Sisters head out the door
They've sat around for an hour or so
Waiting for Janet to say where to go
Then scatter all over by foot or by cart
Except for the ones who forgot where to start

They come from all over to join in the fun
Some play in the rain but more when there's sun
They're the happiest group you will ever find
Even before the beer and the wine
Most of all they like golf a lot
Whether they're good or whether they're not

And after the game the fun doesn't stop
They chat and they laugh and buy a new top
When the food is served they line up and wait
They know Elenor's dinner is always so great
And after they eat they stay for while
Pick up all the stuff and leave with a smile

Some return the next day and some the next week
It's alway's a pleasure. You're all so sweet
Hope you have a nice winter, whether you stay or you go
And we'll see you next April after the snow.

by non-singing, non-dancing Norm Patterson